Lockout Procedures

Evaluating Your Lockout Tagout Procedures

It is critically important to constantly evaluate all of your occupational safety and health policies and procedures. At least annually, you want to audit your facility for new hazards and ensure your existing hazards are well documented and accounted for. Finally, you want to ensure nothing changed in the way of OSHA regulations and standards. But nowhere in your facility is this more important than your lockout tagout procedures.

Your lockout tagout procedures will save lives, will be scrutinized if you are ever audited by OSHA, and are difficult to properly maintain. Personnel changes, machine updates, system buildouts, changes in workflow or process, and regulatory changes are just a few of the potential issues which will arise year over year requiring tweaking, or complete rewriting, of your policies. Unfortunately, most companies hire third party lockout tagout specialty firms to handle the creation of their lockout tagout procedures, leaving them in a situation where they cannot self-evaluate the procedures.

And while we recommend a full third party audit of all things occupational safety and health, not just lockout tagout related, many companies do not have the resources or the desire for such a service. And even those which have a routine auditing schedule run the risk of issues arising between audits.

For this reason, we created our Factory Solutions Software. It is a service which allows you to craft your lockout tagout procedures with the backing of a leader in the lockout tagout arena while remaining in control of the crafting and monitoring of said procedures. It is fully customizable, fully scalable, monitors for system or regulatory updates, and is accessible from anywhere an internet connection is available. It gives you the power to evaluate and monitor your lockout tagout procedures in real time, ensuring you are always compliant.

If you have any questions about our Factory Solutions Software, please contact us and we will be happy to explain how it will benefit your company. If you have anything to add about the importance of routine lockout tagout procedure evaluation, please leave a comment.

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