Monitoring Software for Lockout Tagout

The lockout tagout procedures described in OSHA Standard 1910.147 are difficult to establish and even more difficult to sustain. They are extremely complicated and are specific to each and every company; there are no “quick guides” to lockout tagout and following a plan which ensures compliance for another company will almost surely put your company out of compliance.

Lockout tagout is so complicated because it is crucially important for workplace safety. A lapse in lockout tagout can cause immediate harm and is often fatal. In order to become compliant and remain compliant, a company needs to define a procedure library and identify all energy isolation points. Then, all machines will need specific visual placards installed, detailing what hazards are present and in what circumstances. Finally, these placards need to be updated anytime anything changes at your company, as your lockout tagout needs are likely to change.

Fortunately, there is software now available which can help you establish your procedures, determine appropriate libraries, and update everything quickly and in real time. With this software, you can turn your safety team’s attention away from lockout tagout to other tasks, freeing up manpower while still ensuring compliance. This software is fully scalable and every change or update is documented, saving you tremendous time and energy in keeping the files organized.

The benefits of utilizing software for lockout tagout monitoring are incredible, and if you would like more information on our product, please contact us. If you have anything to add about lockout tagout monitoring, please leave a comment.

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