Software for Monitoring Lockout Tagout Procedures

Lockout tagout procedure monitoring can be a difficult task. Every time a change is made, no matter how small, the entire procedure needs to be reviewed to make sure this minor change does not have some far-reaching change on another part of the procedure. This can make lockout tagout a very time consuming, and very costly, process to monitor and maintain.

In addition, many companies employ safety personnel who are not properly trained on lockout tagout procedures, meaning some of the nuances of the regulations might be lost on the individual in charge of the procedure. OSHA Standard 1910.147, which governs lockout tagout procedures, can be very convoluted, and without an in depth understanding of the regulation, it is almost impossible to fully understand.

Fortunately, we at PF Safety have recently released our Factory Solutions Software. This software creates, tracks, monitors, and updates your lockout tagout procedures for you. It keeps a record of all changes and updates, and notifies you of these changes. Our software is created in such a way that it will automatically notify you of any compliance or OSHA regulation updates, so that you can properly update your policies. In addition, the software is fully customizable, fully scalable, and only requires an internet connection to access it.

If this software sounds like something that could help streamline your business, please contact us so that we can explain in more detail how the software works. If you would like to add a comment on how this or similar software has worked for your business, please leave a comment.

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