How Should I Monitor My Lockout Tagout Procedures?

There are a number of ways to monitor lockout tagout procedures. But to find the best option for you, you need to first determine if you will do it in house or if you will outsource it, and if you will do it manually or with the help of a computer program. Once you have decided on these two questions, deciding the specifics and turning them into a comprehensive procedure will be much easier.

For the first question, the question of in house or outsource, you need to ask yourself a few things. Number one, do you have appropriate staffing for this task, or will you need to hire additional staff to manage the additional load? Number two, do you have the right staff, or will you need to hire new people with a background in lockout tagout? And number three, how comfortable are you with lockout tagout? Based upon your answer to these questions, you can determine if it would be cost effective to manage the lockout tagout in house, or if it might be more cost effective to hire a profession to help you, and if you even have an appetite for managing it yourself – remember, if there are any problems and you go it alone, you need to find the solution.

For the second question, that of doing it manually or utilizing computer software, you must ask yourself a few questions. If you are planning to monitor your lockout tagout procedures alone, then you need to find out what software is available to you, how much it costs, and how comfortable you are with the software. If you will be hiring an outside party to manage it, then you need to find out what software they have available, how interactive it is, and how much it costs.

With these two questions answered, creating the actual procedures should be a manageable task. Should you have any questions about the costs associated with hiring a firm to assist with your lockout tagout needs, please contact us. And if you have any pointers relating to lockout tagout monitoring, please leave a comment.

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