Preventive Maintenance Placards

Preventive maintenance can help reduce replacement costs over the life of your machinery. It can also keep the machinery up to code and help to ensure your employees are safe while using machinery at your facility. Properly maintaining your machinery can be as simple as properly oiling chains, cleaning residue, or checking fluid levels. But ensuring your staff are properly following, or even know about, the required maintenance is not always easy.

This is why our clients utilize preventive maintenance placards. These placards can be affixed directly to your machinery, or placed nearby, and allow employees to be certain they are performing required daily tasks to keep your machinery running properly. Based upon the maintenance requirements, you can create a system on the placard which would require employees to initial completion of each task as they perform it, daily. This would allow you to inspect the completion of each task, and would hold employees accountable for each task.

By ensuring these tasks are completed daily, your machines will run better, longer, and their safety features will continue to work properly. By ensuring your machines are properly maintained, you will see a significant cost savings in the way of replacing machinery, and you will not have the same risk of injury as machines age.

If you have any questions about your preventive maintenance plan, or if you would like more information on our placards, please contact us. If you would like to add anything about the importance of preventive maintenance or the importance of establishing an appropriate plan for ensuring the preventive maintenance is performed, please leave a comment.

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