Lockout Tagout Procedure Monitoring

After establishing lockout tagout procedures, many business owners and safety teams think that their jobs are done. But in reality, that is only the first half of the lockout tagout battle. Monitoring and maintaining those lockout tagout procedures is often a far more difficult task than the creation was.

Unfortunately, when we audit the facilities of new clients, it is unbelievably common for there to be absolutely no plan in place for the monitoring of lockout tagout procedures. Or, if a plan is in place, it is completely irrelevant and ineffective. So after you create your lockout tagout procedures, please ensure you put a meaningful, useful plan in place for monitoring the procedures.

When creating your plan for monitoring your lockout tagout procedures, there are two basic options: do it yourself or let someone else do it for you. For many companies, doing the lockout tagout monitoring themselves is not really possible, due to the staff in place and the associated costs. However, we also run into many companies which are unable to hire on a qualified third party safety auditor due to perceived high costs.

Fortunately, there is also a fully automated online option. Our Factory Solutions Software is fully scalable, fully customizable, and updates in real-time. It allows multiple users to log in simultaneously and is available anywhere an internet connection is available.

If you have any questions about our Factory Solutions Software, or about monitoring lockout tagout procedures in general, please contact us. And if you have anything to add about the importance of lockout tagout procedure monitoring, please leave a comment.

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