Monitoring your Lockout Tagout Procedures

If your company has a need to establish and monitor lockout tagout procedures, it is important you do so correctly. it is important first for employee safety; lockout tagout procedures save lives, and as such need to be accurate and effective. But it is also important as a requirement per OSHA through Standard 1910.147.

OSHA created Standard 1910.147 to help employers create a safer workplace in relation to lockout tagout hazards. These hazards are life threatening, and ever present. But establishing comprehensive and effective lockout tagout procedures is only the first half of effective lockout tagout safety. Properly monitoring and updating your procedures is equally important and, perhaps, more difficult.

If is for this reason that many business owners hire third party firms to monitor their lockout tagout procedures. Unfortunately, these firms can often be expensive and drain your bottom line. Conversely, if these employers attempt to monitor their lockout tagout procedures on their own and do not have a qualified employee with experience in lockout tagout, they could expose their employees to an unsafe work environment, and themselves to significant fines.

Fortunately, there is now an alternative. You can utilize safety software which allows you to monitor and update your lockout tagout procedures from anywhere an internet connection is available. This software also monitors your procedures, helping you to ensure compliance even when you aren’t looking.

If you have any questions about monitoring your lockout tagout procedures or our Factory Solutions Software, please contact us. If you would like to add anything about the importance of properly monitoring your lockout tagout procedures, please leave a message.

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