OSHA Signs and Safety Signs

At any place of business, it can be expected that safety signs will be posted in plain sight warning both employees and the general public of potential hazards of all kinds. These signs are strategically placed to allow anyone who is present to see the sign from a number of different angles. These signs must meet very strict guidelines set by OSHA to ensure that no matter who is reading the sign, that person will have an idea of what hazards are around them.

OSHA regulates safety signs with Standard 1910.145. This standard creates a uniform experience for all, allowing anyone to go into any facility and understand the present hazards. But in order for OSHA to create such a system, they set very stringent guidelines on what signs must look like, how they must be presented, in what situations different signs must be used, and what size and color various signs must be.

For this reason, it is important to have your signs reviewed at least annually, to ensure no changes have been made to the safety signage guidelines. It is also important that your safety signs are replaced as they age, as small details such as borders or chipping numbers can create an issue down the line.

If you would like to review some OSHA friendly signage, please review our store. And if you have any questions about safety signs, please feel free to contact us. If you have anything to add about safety signs, please leave a comment.

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