
We are Premier Factory Safety, and this blog has been created as a place to share our experience and expertise in our industry, as well as a place to discuss how we can help you to stay compliant and keep your workplace substantially safer. There is a lot of misinformation about what is, and is not, required by OSHA. There is also a real need for information relating to a safe workplace. We are specialists in this regard, and have decided that we will answer some of the most common questions we get here, and also use this as a place to keep you up to date on any regulatory changes.

We eat, breath, and live safety, with a constant eye on OSHA and its requirements. Please take a look at our site to familiarize yourself with who we are and our products and services. If anything on there is interesting to you, or raises any questions you would like answered, please contact us and we will certainly help you out in every way we can. And who knows, you just may see your question here.

Keep your eyes peeled for our upcoming posts, which will show you how PF Safety can save you from some major OSHA headaches (as well as some non-OSHA headaches from an unsafe workplace).

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