Auditing Lockout Tagout (LOTO) Procedures

After establishing Lockout Tagout procedures, it is important to maintain them. A key component of maintaining lockout tagout procedures is to routinely audit them. These audits should include a full review of the current lockout tagout procedures, a review of any changes since the last review, and a review of the machines covered in the procedures. Additionally, it is important to review the training plan, how the procedures are made available to employees, and how management is held accountable for ensuring lockout tagout compliance.
When reviewing the lockout tagout procedures, it is important to be mindful both of changes to the facility and personnel, as well as changes to the OSHA standards. Both of these components are vital, as you will not be in compliance if either piece changes and is not accounted for in the procedures.
When reviewing the changes, it is important to understand the “why” behind the change as much as understanding the actual change. Many clients will update their procedures correctly, meaning the changes are in compliance with OSHA standards, but the changes are not correct for the need, so the company is still out of compliance.
And finally, the training and availability are as important as the procedures themselves. If an effective plan is not in place for employees to learn the procedures, then they will not be properly followed, and the hazards will still be present.
If you have not recently had your lockout tagout procedures audited, please contact us so that we can help you determine if you are in need of a review. And if you have anything to add about the importance of auditing lockout tagout procedures, please leave a comment.

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