Finding The Right Firm to Help With Lockout Tagout Procedures

We are often called to help companies update existing or establish new lockout tagout procedures after they have had an issue with their existing procedures. Many clients have already hired a third party to create their initial procedures, but the procedures were either created incorrectly or were not created in such a way that they could account for changes. In these situations it can often be far more difficult to fix the incorrect procedures than it would have been to simply establish new procedures the correct way.

For these reasons, we always recommend credentialing the firm which will help you to establish your lockout tagout procedures. There are a number of ways to do this, including checking what certifications (if any) the firm has, finding out about the work history of the firm and its employees, and asking for references. But at the very least, it is important to question the person who will be auditing your facility and developing your procedures about lockout tagout in general and your facility specifically, focusing on how you will be able to update your procedures in the future, should your needs or regulations change. It is amazing how little unqualified specialists know, and you can usually sniff that out.

If you have any questions about your existing lockout tagout procedures, or if you are interested in establishing new procedures, please contact us and we can explain how our process ensures compliance for you now and in the future. If you have anything to add about the importance of establishing lockout tagout procedures correctly the first time, please leave a comment.

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