Accident prevention signs and tags are seen throughout any workplace. These signs include danger signs, caution signs, hazard signs, safety instruction signs, vehicle signs, evacuation signs, and any other workplace signs which warn employees of potential hazards. When creating these signs, it is important to make sure they are compliant with OSHA Standard 1910.145.
Standard 1910.145 was created by OSHA in an effort to make workplace signage more uniform and accessible to employees. This standard sets the requirements for the size, shape, and color of signs used in a workplace. It also covers the size of the lettering in the signs, as well as their color and design.
This standard was created with both a mind to potential evacuation situations and needs, as well as to easy access to the signs on a day to day basis. Because of the uniform nature of this standard, any first responders arriving to your facility will know exactly what the hazards are, rather than trying to guess.
Fortunately, we have an online store available for most of your sign and tag needs. We can create any sign you need, and we ensure that the signs are up to code with OSHA. We have found that, by worrying about your sings for you, you can focus on more important safety matters.
If you have any questions about the signs at your workplace, or if you need new signs, please contact us. And if you have anything to add about accident prevention tags and signs, please leave a comment.