Changing Lockout Tagout Procedures

Something we have been running into a lot lately is companies which need to change their lockout tagout procedures. These requests are coming in for a number of reasons – new facilities, new machinery, outdated procedures, new personnel, etc. – but the desired outcome is always the same: change the current lockout tagout procedures which are no longer accurate or up to date. And we are finding most of these companies come to us after they have already attempted to fix their broken procedures themselves, leaving us with some pretty complex issues to work out.

So if you find yourself in a situation where you need to change your lockout tagout procedures for any reason, it is not usually advisable to try it on your own if you are not an expert in the field. And the reason for this is simple: if creating lockout tagout procedures is hard, amending someone else’s existing procedures is nearly impossible.

Fortunately, there are a number of reputable companies around which specialize in lockout tagout procedure creation and maintenance. So instead of trying to be a jack of all trades, you can focus on your business and leave the lockout tagout nightmare to someone else. And if you hire a good lockout tagout firm, then you will have procedures which are designed to account for future changes.

If you have any questions about how to change your current lockout tagout procedures, please contact us. And if you have anything to add about changing lockout tagout procedures, please leave a comment.

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