Confined Space Permit Entry System

Any facility with a confined space must ensure a permit entry system is not required before allowing open access of the space to employees. The requirements surrounding the need for a permit entry system can be found in OSHA Standard 1910.146. This standard regulates confined spaces in general, but also sets specific requirements as to when a permit entry system is required and how to properly monitor and maintain the permit entry system.

The most important part of a confined space permit entry system is the written procedures. These procedures state who may access the confined space, when and under what circumstances those individuals may enter the confined spaces, and how those people may enter the confined space. These procedures must have printed instructions available at every entrance to the confined space, and the space itself must be properly labeled with the correct signage.

In addition, if there are any additional requirements, they must be listed in the procedures. This can include the need for an attendant. If an attendant is required as per the standard, then it must be clear who the attendant is, when the attendant is there, how the attendant will keep track of individuals entering and exiting the space, and how the attendant can contact those inside the confined space. Similarly, personal protective equipment is often an important part of confined space procedures. If any equipment needs to be worn by those accessing the space, it is important that equipment is readily available and clearly marked on the instruction cards.

Should you have any questions about a confined space permit entry system at your work place, please contact us so that we can help you ensure you are up to code. If you have anything to add about confined space permit entry systems, please leave a comment.

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