Effective Lockout Tagout (LOTO) Monitoring

If you have ever had to create lockout tagout procedures for your company, you know that there are a number of ways to do this. If you have any experience in the field, you can do it yourself, you can do it with the help of online quick guides, you can do it as a partnership with a qualified third party firm, or you can hire a firm to handle the whole process for you. And while each of these options have their benefits and pitfalls, each has a subset of companies for which it makes sense.

The same could be said for lockout tagout monitoring. After effective lockout tagout procedures have been created, it is important for regular and ongoing monitoring of those procedures to ensure they remain accurate, applicable, and up to code. Some companies utilize their safety and health team to monitor their procedures, others hire third parties to handle that responsibilities, and still others form a partnership with a lockout tagout auditing firm to jointly monitor and update their lockout tagout procedures.

And while each of these methods can be right for the right company, it is important to look into every option available to you, especially the option which allows you to partner with an experienced lockout tagout firm. Through our Factory Solutions Software, you have full control over your procedures, allowing you to customize and update your procedures in real time, but also allowing us to oversee your procedures, and guide you when needed.

If you have any questions about how to effectively monitor your lockout tagout procedures or about our Factory Solutions Software, please contact us. If you have anything to add about effective lockout tagout monitoring, please leave a comment.

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