Maintaining Your Lockout Tagout Procedures

Establishing lockout tagout procedures is not an easy task. But most businesses account for this difficulty, and plan accordingly. Where most companies run into lockout tagout problems is around the maintenance and monitoring of those procedures. This is because lockout tagout procedures are fluid and ever changing; every time a machine is added, removed, or changed out, the lockout tagout procedures should be adjusted. Every time an employee starts or ends a shift, the procedures should be updated.

And this creates an incredible burden on any safety team. So, many companies inadvertently cut corners and do not properly monitor their lockout tagout procedures. On the other side of the equation, you find many companies that overpay for lockout tagout monitoring services. This leaves a situation where you must choose between a strong bottom line or a safe work environment.

But now, there is an option which is both cost-effective and which leaves no room for error, meaning your employees are always safe and you are always in compliance. This option is computerized monitoring of your lockout tagout procedures, and PF Safety has an excellent option in this space.

Factory Solutions Software is a fully scalable, fully customizable, web-based program which allows you, your safety team, and your employees to go in at any time and make changes to your lockout tagout procedures. It also constantly checks to ensure you are in compliance with OSHA Standard 1910.147.

If you have any questions about lockout tagout procedures or their monitoring, or if you have any questions about Factory Solutions Software, please contact us. And if you have anything to add about lockout tagout maintenance, please leave a comment.

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