Monitoring for Lockout Tagout (LOTO) Procedures

Anyone who has ever had to write procedures for lockout tagout can attest to their difficulty. Lockout tagout procedures are difficult to create because they are based upon a difficult OSHA standard to comply with, Standard 1910.147. This standard is often regarded as one of the most difficult to understand and to implement, and can give even experienced occupational safety and health experts a difficult time.

So if you have a functioning lockout tagout procedure in place, it is imperative you maintain it. To do this, you have to properly monitor regulatory changes, industry changes, and changes to your business. Even a small change in any of these areas left unaccounted for can lead to substantial fines and serious workplace injuries. In order to protect yourself and your business, it is imperative to have a system in place which monitors these three areas.

Many companies monitor these changes internally, with quarterly or semi-annual audits. Others hire external companies to manage their lockout tagout needs. But the first option leaves you vulnerable in between audits, and the second option leaves you at the mercy of another company.

To combat these risks, we created software which tracks and manages your lockout tagout procedures while leaving you in complete control of them. Factory Solutions Software is updated by you and monitored by us, it is fully scalable, fully customizable, and can be accessed anywhere an internet connection is available.

If you have any questions about monitoring lockout tagout procedures or about our Factory Solutions Software, please contact us. If you have anything to add about the importance of monitoring lockout tagout procedures, please leave a comment.

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