Premier Factory Safety Specializes In Lockout Tagout Procedures. Lockout Tagout Procedures

Premier assists clients in preventing injuries and complying with "The Control of Hazardous Energy" Standard 1910.147. Machine specific lockout procedures are one of the most critical and difficult requirements to initially comply with and continually sustain. With our extensive database of industry-specific lockout procedure libraries we will customize your procedures to meet your organization's needs.

Once a procedure library is defined, our experienced technicians will survey your equipment to identify all energy isolation points. We will then produce and install machine specific visual placards. Each placard is bar coded making it readily retrievable and easily updatable when necessary. With our Factory Solutions software, you will have centralized real time data which provides a quick and cost effective change management process.

Lockout Tagout Cost Calculator **NEW**

Use the Lockout Tagout Cost Calculator to get an estimate on your upcoming lockout project.

Compliance Assurance

Premier can also provide a low cost wall to wall machine specific lockout audit. The audit is performed using our Factory Solutions software, so all the results will be recorded and available instantly. This will assist you in verifying compliance with your own company standards as well as OSHA requirements. Most companies make this a part of their annual safety audit process.

Additional Information
Lockout Procedure Samples

Premier Factory Safety Specializes In Lockout Procedures.Premier Factory Safety Specializes In Lockout Procedures.Premier Factory Safety Specializes In Lockout Procedures.